Online Poker

I have registered to play in the PokerStars World Blogger Championship of Online Poker! This PokerStars tournament is a No Limit Texas Hold’em event exclusive to Bloggers, you too can take part by registering on WBCOOP

Registration code: 185022

Saturday 4 April 2009

Nice pot for 0.25/0.50!

Party Poker - About a week ago I thought that it would be good crack to play private online cashgame against people I know. I am aware that this can be -EV if the players I'm playing against players that I know are good players, but for the crack. I searched different sites and only found Party Poker that accepts private cash games. I already had an account on their but never really played it as I was never keen. So I decided to stick a cheeky £80 that I transfered from my Devilfish account on there and see if I can get a cashgame going.
Fuck It - Ive never had time to organise a private game on there since but asked a few people on NPF (Newcastle Poker Forum) they seemed interested but think I chose a wrong time. Oh well Fuck it i'll just play 0.25/0.50 (my usual online game) after work for a couple of hours everyday (this is also the regular routine). Ive been running really well grinding it out and slowly increasing my inital £80 deposit and yet to go broke at a table.
Nice Pot for 0.25/0.50 - This morning I continued my usual routine playing two cash tables at 0.25/0.50 and within 20mins I sat with $79 and $66 respectively then a monster hand happened on one of the tables. (thavarz)
#Game No : 7950274806
***** Hand History for Game 7950274806 *****
$50 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Saturday, April 04, 03:27:42 EDT 2009
Table Table 125535 (Real Money)
Seat 3 is the buttonTotal number of players : 10
Seat 5: Nikolaga777 ( $10 USD )
Seat 8: PUNlSHERR ( $7.75 USD )Seat 2:
bmg1900222 ( $8.75 USD )
Seat 10: maxie_888 ( $106.26 USD )
Seat 6: mkdrew ( $23.23 USD )
Seat 9: pr0tman ( $44.58 USD )
Seat 4: robtaucher ( $107.01 USD )
Seat 1: smooke1905 ( $10 USD )
Seat 7: thavarz ( $66.43 USD )
Seat 3: tommmot ( $86.07 USD )
robtaucher posts small blind [$0.25 USD].
Nikolaga777 posts big blind [$0.50 USD].
** Dealing down cards **Dealt to thavarz [ Jd As ]
mkdrew folds
thavarz calls [$0.50 USD]
pr0tman foldsmaxie_888 calls [$0.50 USD]
smooke1905 calls [$0.50 USD]
tommmot folds
robtaucher raises [$1.75 USD]
Nikolaga777 folds
thavarz calls [$1.50 USD]
maxie_888 calls [$1.50 USD]
smooke1905 calls [$1.50 USD]
** Dealing Flop ** [ Td, Qs, 2s ]
robtaucher bets [$4 USD]
thavarz calls [$4 USD]
maxie_888 calls [$4 USD]
smooke1905 folds
** Dealing Turn ** [ Kd ]
robtaucher bets [$11 USD]
thavarz raises [$39 USD]
maxie_888 is all-In [$100.26 USD]
robtaucher calls [$89.26 USD]
thavarz is all-In [$21.43 USD]
** Dealing River ** [ Jc ]
thavarz shows [ Jd, As ]a straight Ten to Ace.
maxie_888 shows [ Ks, Qd ]two pairs, Kings and Queens.
robtaucher shows [ 9s, 9h ]a straight Nine to King.
robtaucher wins $79.66 USD from the side pot 1 with a straight, Nine to King.
thavarz wins $198.79 USD from the main pot with a straight, Ten to Ace.
This was a nice pot and a welcome one. Looking back the $4 call on the flop looks loose but this player was continuation betting %100 of the time and knew if i made it he would pay me off he has connected with anything wasnt expecting the treble up tho. Great turn. lol.
So decent morning as I continue to run good with over £400 so far.

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